Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Home Sweet Home

Alan and I traveled to Mesa, AZ this weekend to look for apartments in preparation for our move in early September.  We had 4 places that we were planning to check out but after the first one that we saw, it was pretty pointless to look at the others in any kind of detail.  We checked them out but they didn't even come close to the quality and beauty of the placed that we settled on.  We signed an agreement yesterday to lease a 3rd floor apartment at Waterford at Superstition Springs and we'll have the A2 style floor plan.  We are so totally excited!  Our lease will begin September 10, 2011, so we'll be hitting the road on September 7, 2011.  WOW, that's only 2.5 weeks away.  We've got to get packing, fast!!!

We're still working on arrangements for selling our house and have a great lead but nothing set in stone quite yet. More to come in that regards; we'll keep you posted.

Right now, we're just enjoying the heat (100F yesterday!), scenery, and lovely people here in Mesa and the surrounding area.  We took a road trip today through the Tonto National Forrest and it was absolutely breathtaking.  We'll post some of our pictures later but we wanted to share with you a taste of what we saw today.  This is basically what we'll get to see every day once we move down here to Mesa.  Are you jealous yet!?!?

Well, I'm signing off for now.  We're getting ready to head up to Scottsdale tonight for dinner.  Alan's boss, along with his wife, is taking us out for dinner.  We're going to the Persian Room for some authentic Middle Eastern cuisine.

Have a great weekend every one and we'll check in again soon.

Jodi (and Alan, too!)

1 comment:

Joelle said...

So, so excited for you guys.

Enjoy the Persian Room. You'll have to take us there when we come to visit. :D
