Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Please Hold While I Clear My Writer's Block

Okay, so I know that I once promised posting at least once a week and I haven't been doing that recently.  Well, in all fairness, I had been sick for 2 weeks and when I finally got my brain out of the head cold fog, I lost my writing mojo.  Seriously.  I keep looking at the pictures that I want to post and can't figure out where we were (I know generally where we were but not enough to write about it) or what to say.  I've tried several different times and I just can't do it.  Ugh!  I hate this!!!  If I can ever find my mojo again, I'll hook you up with some great pics and stories.  Until then...please hold!!!


Joelle said...

My biggest piece of advice...when you guys are out on your journeys, take a notebook with you and jot things down to help trigger your memory.

I actually "blog" at the end of each night on the cruise (we take our laptop) and I just type in word and then copy and paste over to my actual blog when we get home.

Don't stress...just post pictures and captions until it all comes back. :)

Alan and Jodi said...

Thanks for the great ideas, Jo, especially about writing it in Word and then posting to your blog when you get back. That I could easily do. :)